Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Star plots


    The above image shows a star plot. Each point, or start, displays a different value. A star plot uses a specific design to display large quantities of data. The distance between the stars and the radius both show a specific value.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Classed choropleth maps


   The above map depicts a classed choropleth map. A classed choropleth map is a thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the measurement of the statistical variable being displayed on the map, such as population density or per-capita income. The map above depicts the 2004 presidential election. 

Unclassed choropleth maps


   The above image on the right shows an unclassed choropleth map. An unclassed choropleth map is a cloropleth map that used shading and variation of colors rather than set colors with a legend or key, making it unclassed. The confusion and uncertainty of the different shades of color make this type of map widely unused. You can see the side by side comparison between an unclassed and a classed map. The unclassed map contain no legend or key and does not vary in color as much. 

Bivariate choropleth maps


    The picture above shows a bivariate choropleth map. bivariate map used a single map to show two variables by combining two different sets of graphic symbols or colors. This particular map depicts olympic athletes. 

Univariate choropleth maps


    Above is a univariate choropleth map. This type of map shows one variable being analyzed using standard classification methods of cholopleth maps. In this case we are shown the percentage of individuals living in poverty.

Standardized choropleth maps


   This image shows a standardized choropleth map. Standardized choropleth maps contain data that are standardized or averaged, allowing for an accurate comparison of distribution amongst particular areas. The above map depicts a census taken for people 14 and under in Canada.

Unstandardized choropleth maps


  This is a image of an unstandardized choropleth map. This map depicts the election results for 2004. Because the map uses raw data that isn't split into equal sections, it is considered unstandardized. The different shades of red versus the different shades of blue show the unequal points on the map.

Nominal area choropleth map


This image shows a nominal area choropleth map. A nominal area choropleth map shows predefined aerial units. Usually a nominal area choropleth will have a graded color series, showing the different levels of intensity based off of a gradual color change from light to dark. The colors in the map above depicts different sets of data. A legend color coats and labels the data.

Bilateral graph


   The image above depicts a bilateral graph. Relative to a bar graph, a bilateral graph compares two or more variables side by side for a particular subject. This bilateral graph shows the percentage of people and their answers for the survey question, categorized in three different regions. 

Accumulative line graph or Lorenz curve


   This graph depicts a Lorenz curve. The Lorenz curve represents the cumulative distribution function graphically, showing the proportion of the distribution, often used in income distribution. This graph indicates the cumulative percentage of wealth relative to the cumulative percentage of households.  

Index value plot


   Shown above is an Index value plot. An index value plot, has index values plotted instead of an actual numbers. Index value plots give a comparison, or normal, in order to base values off of. The above index value plot comes from the Dow Jones industrial average values depicting the return on the closing price.  

Population profile


   The graph above shows a population profile. A population profile is a graph that gauges a number of people and organizes them by their age. This population profile is depicted by a horizontal bar graph, showing the number of people from three different decades. The ages span from under 5 through 75 and over.



    The above image is a climograph. A climograph gives a visual description of the climate in a specific location. Temperature and precipitation can be gauged for a specific location and is shown on the graph. The above climograph shows the climate for Adelaide, Australia.



   The above image depicts a windrose. A windrose is used by meteorologists to give a short visual summary of how wind speed and direction are typically scattered at a specific location. The windrose above shows the wind blowing south west at speeds ranging from 5-20mph. 

Triangular plot

   The above graph is a triangular plot or ternary plot. It graphically depicts the ratios of the three variables as positions in an equilateral triangle. It is used in many different srudies to show the compositions of systems composed of three species.

Parallel coordinate graph


   The graph depicted above is a parallel coordinate graph. Parallel coordinate graphs show a set of points in a common way of visualizing high-dimensional geography and analyzing multivariate data. The above graph displays the relationship of multidimensional data among variables. 



    The above image shows a histogram. A histogram, similar to a bar graph, is a graphical representation showing a visual impression of the distribution of data. The above histogram shows the mass of a particle. The graph does not show a clearly defined peak or any sort of symmetry, giving the reader an imprecise and uncertain mass of the particle. 

Stem and leaf plot


   The above image displays a stem and leaf plot. A stem and leaf plot is a device for presenting quantitative data in a graphical format to assist in visualizing the shape of a distribution. The above stem and leaf plot displays fifteen different numbers arranged in descending order on the stem side. The numbers interpreted by the plot are: 90, 94, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 79, 72, 72, 79, 65, 68, 69, 53. 

Similarity matrix


The above image shows a similarity matrix. Similarity matrices are used in sequence alignment. Higher scores are given to more-similar characters, and lower or negative scores for dissimilar characters. This similarity matrix shows a group of human genes involved in colon and corectal cancer.  

Correlation matrix


The above post is a correlation matrix. A correlation Matrix is a matrix giving the correlations between all pairs of data sets. The correlation matrix above shows the calculated residue–residue-based correlated motions (dynamic cross-correlation map) "within a monomer of the HLADH from the 500-ps to 10-ns MD simulation of the HLADH⋅NAD+⋅PhCH2Ospecies."

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Box plot


   The map displayed above is a box plot. Box plots are used to graphically display groups of numerical data through five number summaries. Box plots help display differences between many different populations. The spacings between the different spots on the box help convey the skewness in the data. Shown above is a box plot showing fruits and vegetables and there consumption rate by people.

Range graded proportional circle map


    The map displayed above is a range graded proportional circle map. Range graded proportional circle maps are used to represent a certain piece of data's population. The difference between range graded proportional circle maps and continuously variable proportional circle maps are range graded circle maps have set sizes for the circles. The only problem with using set sizes is it does not represent the actual population and instead of represents a range. Shown above is a range grade proportional circle on the population in certain states during the 16th century.



     The map displayed above is an example of a Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles also known as DOQQ. A DOQQ is a digitalized image of an aerial photograph. This allows the photograph to be extremely spatially accurate and allows all of the features in the pictures to be in their true positions. This method reduces all image displacement that could be caused by something such as terrain relief. Shown above is a DOQQ of a portion of South Carolina.



     The map shown above is an example of a digital elevation map also known as a DEM. This map is specifically designed to help show the elevation of a certain area. Digital elevation maps are useful in that they can help one get a layout of the land before people may go on vacation or traveling to a certain location. Digital elevation maps are taken from the USGS topographic map series. The map displayed above is a digital elevation map of Oregon.



    Shown above is a DLG map. DLG stands for Digital Line Graphs and are used by the USGS (United States Geological Service.) Digital line graph maps are used to view various streets, rivers, and certain boundaries. The map above is a digital line graph map of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It is easily understood it is a DLG because of the clear roads, streets, and boundaries that are shown throughout the map.



   Shown above is a Digital Raster Graphic map. DRG's are scanned images of USGS standard series topographic maps. The scan is able to show almost all of cartographic data and also includes all of the spatial data. The map above is an image of Kabul in Afghanistan.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012



       Scatterplots show two different variables and how they correlate with each other. They do this by plotting dots to show each variables information. For example, a scatterplot could show the relation of the amount of cigarettes smoked to lung cancer deaths. Shown above are the responses for a certain study that  uses two variables.

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map


Continuously variable proportional circle maps portray a plethora of variables and how they pertain proportionally to other areas. A larger circle represents a bigger population, and as shown the circles can grow continuously to different sizes depending on the data. The map aboves shows the population of German ancestry in Chicago, IL during the 1990's. 



An isopleth, also know as a isogram isoline, is a line on a map which is used to make map data more legible. Specifically, this line connects areas with the same amount or proportion of data. Most of the time, this data is related to geographical or meteorological phenomena.



The map shown above is an isopach map. The purpose of this type of map is to show the difference in thickness within a tabular unit. Isopachs are similar to isohyets and isotachs in the sense that each line represents areas of equal value, although in the case of isopach maps, those lines represent thickness over an area. 



Similar to isotachs, isohyet are weather maps where lines are used to connect points together. This happens specifically when those points receive equal amounts of rain over a period of time. The use of lines makes the map data substantially easier to read.



    On this map, we can see isotach lines which help to read wind direction by connecting the points where wind speed is equal. This map, of the United States, clearly shows the different isotach lines and their wind speed. Isotach contours are also used for high levels of the atmosphere in order to help locate jet streams.

Thursday, March 22, 2012



     Shown above is a picture of a meteorological map shown on the weather channel that utilizes isobars. Isobars are lines that have equal pressure and are displayed on a meteorological map. These lines are formed by connecting points of similar pressure at different locations. You are able to tell which areas have higher or lower pressure by looking at where the lines are grouped.



   Shown above is a city that was created by Lidar imaging. Lidar is a remote sensing technology that allows us to process digital information about a landscape.  Lidar is widely used by the military to evaluate certain war ridden areas. This is also commonly used by engineers when they go about trying to layout a city or a development. They do this by flying planes at extreme elevations while using laser pulses to evaluate the land below them.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Doppler radar


    Shown above is a picture of hurricane Katrina captured by doppler radar. Doppler radar is specifically used to obtain the velocity of a certain object that are a certain distance away. Doppler radar is used in many different fields such as meteorology, radiology, and even police radar. A perfect example is when you get a speeding ticket, the police officers radar gun uses doppler radar to compute your cars speed and in turn will usually catch you speeding.

Black & white aerial photo


     This is an image of black and white aerial photography of the famous Wrigley Field. Black and white aerial photography can be used to get a birds eye view of a certain area, which allows you to see much more then the human eye. Black and white aerial photos can also be used to help navigate around a specific areas that you may not be acclimated with.

Infrared aerial photo


   Shown above is an infrared aerial photo taken in Nigeria. Infrared aerial photo is extremely useful in that it can help us archive changes to nature. It not only helps us keep track with the changes in our environment, but also can help greatly in helping us observe large pieces of land that otherwise could not be done by human eye such as someone's entire farm. At times this saves farmers because with these photos they are able to find if their plants are being infected by certain pests.

Cartographic animations

    Cartographic animations are used to portray certain movement across a body of land or water. Cartographic animations are commonly used on news channels to show the weather. They do this by using a commonly used cartographic animation called radar. The picture shown above is a cartographic animation of hurricane Katrina, this is a snap shot of the projection on where the hurricane was thought to travel. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Statistical maps


     Shown above is a statistical map. Statistical maps are used to show different statistics throughout a certain region, such as police misconduct incidents in the United States. Statistical maps can represent a copious amount of variables, it is not limited to any specific statistical data. The map above displays misconduct in the United States, and was taken from certain statistical data.



     Cartograms are maps that display a specific variable by using different shading, lines or certain distortions. Unlike a normal map, cartograms use thematic mapping to show things such as population density instead of area or distance over land. Shown above is a map that conveys the amount of people that will move to urban areas until the year 2015. It seems that Russia, China, and India will have the largest percentage of people moving to urban areas over the next couple of years.

Isoline maps

    As shown above, an Isoline Map is consisted of continuous lines that join at the point with the same value. An isoline map can be used for various things, most notably it can show temperature by using isotherms. As well as showing the temperature it can show a certain areas elevation by using contour lines. The map above is showing that the lines that connect have equal value.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Proportional circle maps


 Proportional circle maps are maps that rely on the size of the circle which in turn represents a certain piece of data. In most cases the larger the circle the greater the size of data will be. The example above shows the amount of Walmarts in each state by using larger circle sizes to represent more Walmarts being located in that state.

Choropleth maps

  Shown above is a standardized Choropleth map. Choropleth maps are thematic maps that are used to describe a certain piece of data. Furthermore, Choropleth maps use different colors and various shades to differentiate the pieces of data. The map above shows the ratio of males to every 100 females.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dot Distribution Maps


 Dot Distribution Maps are mainly used to express a population in various areas, whether it be a state, country, or even the world. As shown above, the dot distribution map represents the population of most of the continents with each dot representing one hundred thousand people. Dot distribution maps are extremely useful for one trying to study a population in a certain area.

Propaganda maps


 Propaganda maps are generally used by the government to persuade the public to believe their certain ideology. For the most part propaganda maps are only used in times of war, but can be used at any time to try and influence the public to follow the governments ideals. The pattern for propaganda maps is they almost always come at times of war and always make the enemy look like horrific people. The picture shown above is a propaganda map about all of Europe being at war with one another and characterizing each country with certain animals or pictures that may have a multitude of meanings.

Hypsometric Map


 Hypsometric maps represent different elevations throughout a certain region by using different colors and or different shadings. Hypsometric maps also use two neighboring contour lines to give a specific area a certain tint which displays that areas elevation. Shown above is Hypsometric map of North America, and the map displays the elevation throughout the continent.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Cadastral maps


A Cadastral Map as shown above, is a map that shows the legal boundaries of ones own property, a cities property, or a countries property. The Cadastral map is often used by governments to claim what property is theirs and also allows them to divide their property up into different zones. For example, above is a map of St. Louis in 1870. The bold red lines shows the boundaries to the city, while the thinner red lines show the different zones that make up the city. Cadastral maps also do not just show boundaries for certain areas, more recent cadastral maps show exact measurements for each lot and can also include the taxes for certain regions. These maps contain a lot of data, not only do they include boundaries but they can also include which type of physical structures are on the land. Also almost all records of cadastral maps are made public for anyone to use if they have any desire to look up a certain region or zone. For example, Cadastral maps can be used when deciding on where to send your child to elementary school. You may have to use a cadastral map to figure out which zone you may live in which in turn may dictate where your child is allowed to go to school.

Thematic maps


A thematic map as shown above, is a map that shows a particular theme in association which a specific region or area. Thematic maps are extremely different from your normal map in that they do not use features such as lakes, buildings, and streets but instead will only use those things as boundaries for where the specific theme is being mapped. For example, as shown above the median age in the year 2000 is shown for the north eastern United States by using different colors to represent different age groupings. Thematic maps can be used for a multitude of reasons, from the nominations for government officials to the amount of rainfall in the United States. So as stated before thematic maps can be used to pretty much show any particular theme in a specific region, although sometimes random there are trends that can be found with certain themes. For example, if there was a thematic map on the amount of rainfall in South America, you can expect to see a trend wherever the rainforests are there will be more rain there and with that the same shaded color as other tropical rainforests.

Topographic map


As shown above, a Topographic map is a large scale map that contains horizontal and vertical dimensions of different land surfaces, otherwise known as relief. Topographic maps contain both man-made and natural features and are not one, but two map sheets overlapping to create the actual map. The topographic map also utilizes contour lines which have come up on our power points and are imaginary lines that join equal point values of what is being mapped. The difference from contour line to contour line is what distinguishes the elevation of certain areas on the map. Topographic maps are to show a certain areas elevation and other vertical features. These maps have been widely used by the military to plan specific attacks as well as where to defend certain areas. They would use a topographic map because knowing certain areas elevation can be crucial when fighting a major battle and can be the deciding factor between a victory and a loss.

Planimetric Map


As shown above, a planimetric map is a map which only shows the horizontal position of different features on the earth's surface. This does not include anything to do with the vertical position or elevation of any surfaces on the earth. Planimetric maps can show the correct horizontal distances certain features are from each other. Map features can show sidewalks, roadways, roads and other similar features to them but once again can show nothing dealing with elevation or somethings vertical position. A planimetric map's main use is to measure horizontal distances accurately. Planimetric are much different then topographic maps in that topographic maps include elevation while planimetric maps do not.