Monday, March 5, 2012

Cadastral maps

A Cadastral Map as shown above, is a map that shows the legal boundaries of ones own property, a cities property, or a countries property. The Cadastral map is often used by governments to claim what property is theirs and also allows them to divide their property up into different zones. For example, above is a map of St. Louis in 1870. The bold red lines shows the boundaries to the city, while the thinner red lines show the different zones that make up the city. Cadastral maps also do not just show boundaries for certain areas, more recent cadastral maps show exact measurements for each lot and can also include the taxes for certain regions. These maps contain a lot of data, not only do they include boundaries but they can also include which type of physical structures are on the land. Also almost all records of cadastral maps are made public for anyone to use if they have any desire to look up a certain region or zone. For example, Cadastral maps can be used when deciding on where to send your child to elementary school. You may have to use a cadastral map to figure out which zone you may live in which in turn may dictate where your child is allowed to go to school.

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